All about Auction
Why we advise Public Auctions?
• Guaranteed Sale
• Guaranteed Top Market Value
Joseph Coogan Auctioneer is expert in, residential, land, commercial sales and letting. We achieve the best prices for our clients.

A Guide To Selling and Purchasing At Auction
• Before the auction:
• Check the guide price. The Guide price is approximately 10% below the reserve. (AMV) (Advised Market Value).
• Public Viewings are conducted at week ends on the property.
• Get a registered surveyor to look at the property.
• Energy Rating (Ber Cert) must be completed prior to advertising a residential or commercial property.
• Conditions of Planning Permission must be complied with.
• Prior to Selling or Purchasing property contact your Solicitor, Accountant or Tax Advisor.
• All public auctions are conducted at the Auction Room Ballycomey House, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.
• If purchasing a property you must attend the auction, or have a representative eg. Solicitor, Accountant, or nominated person to bid.
• When you purchase at Public Auction a 10% deposit which is non refundable is paid immediately after auction and legally binding contracts are signed by purchaser and vendor. (seller)
• Completion of sale is usually 4 – 6 weeks after the auction date.
Day of Auction:
• Arrive 30 minutes before Auction.
• View their property on Power Point Presentation in Auction Room.
• Meet with their Solicitor in the Conference Room.
• As the auction is being conducted the sellers have a screen and can see and hear the commentary of the auction as it takes place.
• When the property sells the vendor (owner) signs legally binding contracts.
• Arrive and have an opportunity to view property on Power Point Presentation on screen in Auction Room.
• In land sales a map of the lands is given to all who attend.
• Solicitor reads out conditions of sale.
• Intended purchasers have an opportunity to ask relevant questions.
• Auctioneer commences the Auction.
• If reserve is reached the property is placed on the market (property going to be sold) the highest bidder buys the property.
• The highest bidder leaves the auction room and enters a private office to sign contracts and pay 10% deposit to the solicitor/auctioneer.
Our Auction House
Our auction house is based in Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. It is easily accessible from all surrounding counties. Our auction house has the following facilities.
- Seating for up to 100 people.
- Private conference room for vendor.
- Video link to conference room for vender.
- Ample parking.